t: 01245 200583 / e: info@project275.co.uk

There are several benefits of having a pressurised cylinder installed in your property. Before you make that decision, it is important we answer, what is a pressurised cylinder? It is a water tank that will provide your home with pressurised hot water. The more traditional water tanks will be gravity fed, which means the water is sourced from a separate tank that is usually located in your loft.

If you are looking to install a pressurised cylinder in Essex, just some of the benefits you can expect are that there is less chance your tank will freeze, it will be far quicker to fill a hot bath or sink and you have the option of fitting a power shower.

Project275 can attend your property and inspect where your pressure cylinder can be installed and give you a free, non-obligatory quote.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will answer any questions you may have.